Shawna Martin,DC

Hello!! I am pleased to be able to tell you a bit about myself. I have the best job!! I love that I get to help so many people, especially those who have been told their only option is a lifetime of pain management or surgery. I have been able to keep dozens from going under the knife and hundreds from taking non-stop pain meds. I have helped infants and toddlers from needing hip and leg braces, teenagers from neck and back pain brought on by their heavy backpacks, and adults who are feeling the effects of their age or the actions of their youth from feeling older than they are. Who wouldn't love this job?
I have worked in a Caregiver role for most of my life. I started as early as I could by providing babysitting for friends and neighbors starting at age 12. As a teenager I also worked in group homes for people with mental and physical disabilities helping them with every aspect of living, and in a small home with elders. I have worked in a veterinary clinic, in a pharmacy, and finally as a Chiropractor. I also currently work with children teaching anti-kidnapping and self-defense!
I am married to an exceptional man, my best friend and love of my life. Our son is freshly graduated and looking forward to the future. I am pleased to have both of them as a huge part of my life!